Category Archives: brewdays

Brew Day – Vanilla Cream Ale – 2

Well the Vanilla Cream Ale was such a success that we’ve had requests for more. Sooo…we’re making another 5-gallon batch. Looks good so far.
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Brew Day – GPA

Pictures and text forthcoming – we promise!!

Kegging the Cream Ale

Wish there were more and exciting pictures, but here’s the only one we took during kegging.20120609_133714
Nice work, JT!

Brew Day – Vanilla Cream Ale

It was time for something new…something light…something both refreshing and relaxing…and something for summer. It was time for a vanilla cream ale.
JT boiled up the water. Soon we added grain. Then we kept a mighty boil for an hour as the worty-goodness and hoppy smell filled the air. The color was perfect.
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We experimented with a double immersion chiller in an ice bath for the cool down. It seemed to speed up the chilling process greatly.
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Here’s the final wort before we pitched the yeast.


Brew Day – The Maple Wheat Experiment

We brewed a 3-gallon batch of a wheat beer with a hint of maple. Yessir, we done did.
I wanted to create a refreshing wheat beer, but with a hint of something other than citrus, which is what all the craft wheat beers seem to have. A friend suggested maple and soon an experimental recipe was created.
Had to start off with a picture of the brewing setup…
Here’s a picture of Eric, while we were waiting for the wort to boil…
Img_0885 …then we added the hop pellets…
Then we added the chiller to the boil (to sterilize it)…and then to chill the wort to the yeast pitching temperature range.
The final product. Now we wait.